find Selects documents in a collection.
{ "find": <string>, "filter": <document>, "sort": <document>, "projection": <document>, "hint": <document or string>, "skip": <int>, "limit": <int>, "batchSize": <int>, "singleBatch": <bool>, "comment": <string>, "maxScan": <int>, "maxTimeMS": <int>, "readConcern": <document>, "max": <document>, "min": <document>, "returnKey": <bool>, "showRecordId": <bool>, "snapshot": <bool>, "tailable": <bool>, "oplogReplay": <bool>, "noCursorTimeout": <bool>, "awaitData": <bool>, "allowPartialResults": <bool> }
Specify a Sort and Limit
db.runCommand( { find: "restaurants", filter: { rating: { $gte: 9 }, cuisine: "italian" }, projection: { name: 1, rating: 1, address: 1 }, sort: { name: 1 }, limit: 5 } )
Override Default Read Concern
db.runCommand( { find: "restaurants", filter: { rating: { $lt: 5 } }, readConcern: { level: "majority" } } )
insert Inserts one or more documents.
update Updates one or more documents.
delete Deletes one or more documents.
findAndModify modifies and returns a single document.
{ findAndModify: <collection-name>, query: <document>, sort: <document>, remove: <boolean>, update: <document>, new: <boolean>, fields: <document>, upsert: <boolean>, bypassDocumentValidation: <boolean>, writeConcern: <document> }
Output reutrns a document with the folloings fields:
value document lastErrorObject document ok number
Upsert and Unique Index
db.runCommand( { findAndModify: "people", query: { name: "Andy" }, sort: { rating: 1 }, update: { $inc: { score: 1 } }, upsert: true } )
Update and Return
db.runCommand( { findAndModify: "people", query: { name: "Tom", state: "active", rating: { $gt: 10 } }, sort: { rating: 1 }, update: { $inc: { score: 1 } } } )
upsert: true the update operation to either update a matching document or, if no matching document exists, create a new document.
db.runCommand( { findAndModify: "people", query: { name: "Gus", state: "active", rating: 100 }, sort: { rating: 1 }, update: { $inc: { score: 1 } }, upsert: true } )
Return New Document
db.runCommand( { findAndModify: "people", query: { name: "Pascal", state: "active", rating: 25 }, sort: { rating: 1 }, update: { $inc: { score: 1 } }, upsert: true, new: true } )
Sort and Remove
db.runCommand( { findAndModify: "people", query: { state: "active" }, sort: { rating: 1 }, remove: true } )